Sunday, November 11, 2007

Wyatt and the Geese

The temperature is in the mid seventies today. It may be the last good day of the year, so Ray and I took Wyatt to the park. He is enthralled by the playground equipment, but even more so by the large flock of Canada Geese that live year around in the park. Whenever, adults come near the geese they scatter, flying away to the safety of the pond or off to other locations. However, Wyatt does not pose a threat to them and they allowed him to come within a couple of feet before moving away. I was concerned that they might be aggressive, but were not. The flock acted more like a group of good natured dogs, not running away, but not letting Wyatt get close enough to touch. We enjoyed watching him as much as he enjoyed chasing the ducks


JoEtta Zabel said...

Wow, Wyatt is getting so big. I bet he is really going to get into Christmas this year. He's a cutie.

Hellen said...

My god!! Wyatt is so cute! I wish we could get him and Alfredo together, they would have a good time playing on the park going after the geese together! Alfredo likes animals too.