Monday, July 2, 2012

Ray's 50th High School Reunion

We went out to Montezuma last weekend.  The town was having its centennial celebration and his class of 1962 celebrated their 50th year.  Eleven of the eighteen graduates and one former student came.  A couple of them were for the first time.  Gayle Fry and Judy Bruington did most of the work in setting it up and Gayle opened her home to us to escape the heat.
There were almost as many activities for the centennial as there are for the all school reunions.  The parade was fun.  Dan League was fascinated by the big farm equpment.  I admit it, I love looking at these monsters too. 
On Saturday night the group went to eat at Eva's, the local cafe.  The food is very good and the pies are amazing.  I suspect it is because the cooks are all Mennonite ladies.  Those women can cook better than the rest of the female population can imagine. 
Montezuma is a great little town.  I think it is probably a stronghold of the best of old style small town living with modern conveniences.  Ray and I have always said we could never go back there.  However, there are a number of people we know who have.  After this trip, it is easy to see the appeal.

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