Sunday, August 19, 2007

A penny saved is a penny earned....

especially when you can get just about all the pennies you want from Grammy and Grampy. We found Andrew's piggy bank and Nicole's doggy bank. Wyatt has one at his house and one here at the grandparents. We have it on a table and put our change there for when Wyatt comes over. One of the first things he does now is check out the bank to see if there is any money to put in the pig. Tonight he brought my purse out later in the evening and wanted more change. He may be starting out small, but that pig is starting to get heavy.


Just Me said...

Too Cute Lynette...I love that picture!

Lisa said...

Too sweet. My girls loved putting money in and taking it out of a piggy bank my grandfather keeps on a table by his chair at about this age....amazing what they learn.