Thursday, May 30, 2013

Picnic in the Park

Wednesday May 22nd was Wyatt's last day of school.  He will be going to the second grade next year but that is the last thing on his mind right now.  Wyatt, Andrea and Nicole came over the the house after picking him up from school.  Andrea prommptly informed me that we were going to have a picnic and that the food would be "borrowed from me".  Nicole and Andrea went to the store to pick up a few things while I made tuna salad sandwiches.  Everything was put in the old Radio Flyer and off to the park we went.  I love living across from the park, it makes it easy to do activities like this.  Once we got there, we spread the quilt on the ground.  This was another edict from Princess Andrea and Papa was not amused .  He would have preferred a table.  Everyone ate, Papa left to run an errand and Wyatt and Andrea went to play. Nicole and I relaxed on the quilt, keeping an eye out for wild frisbies. The day was beautiful and everyone had a great time.  I appreciate the fact that Andrea's idea made Wyatt's last day of school special.

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