Monday, March 21, 2011

Trip to Tulsa

We took Wyatt and Andrea to Tulsa for a long weekend.  Ray and I usually go somewhere between our birthdays but didin't get anything put together this year.  Two weeks ago, Wyatt announced " Grandma, I need a vacation."  That put Ray and I in mind of a waterpark weekend.  Great Wolf Lodge proved to be prohibitively expensive.  Thank goodness for the internet.  I searched and found the Radisson in Tulsa.  Their waterpark was smaller, but geared towards smaller children which is what we were wanted. 
We got there Saturday evening, and Wyatt and Andrea spent two hours in the water then.  I spent the time looking for a Walmart which didn't exist (really) inside the city limits of Tulsa. The next morning, we were back in the water for over three hours. Ray and I got wet to the knees, except when we were splashed. Andrea pitched a fit when we made them leave.  Promises to return meant nothing to her.  We went to Bass Pro Shop and ate lunch at Uncle Bucks.  We had a very good meal.  They have a HUGE salt water aquarium in the restaurant and it is fascinating to watch the fish swim while we were eating. Of course, being Bass Pro, there was an abundance of stuffed wildlife to look at too. After we got back to the hotel and we all took a nap, it was back to the pool for another couple of hours.  The kids thought it was great and Ray and I enjoyed ourselves immensely too.  I think it is interesting that Ray and I prefer less crowded locations, but the kids were almost lost the few times there weren't a lot of kids in the area with them.  The more crowded the better.
It was Marie Callenders for pot pie and key lime, apple pie and cheese cake.  I think we ate enough in one day to feed us normally for a week.  I am going to have to do a lot of running. 
We had a wonderful time.

1 comment:

a chick named Toni... said...

Sounds like you guys had fun. We just got back from visiting Whitney & Lena in KC. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Coco Beach. Much cheaper than the GW Logde and we had a great time.